Saturday, March 12, 2011

"They caught the guy."

I do not have details – but wanted to let you know that I just received a reliable message that said “they caught the guy.”  I’m assuming this was the suspect in the stolen car using the stolen credit cards – but this is unconfirmed.  Thanks to so many of you that were able to identify the individual from the McDonald’s & 7-11 photo!!  

Please remember – this CrimeWatch is NOT over.  This was only one individual –and there were many reports about  2 men being involved, and many of us are questioning whether all incidents were done by the same pair. 

Lock your cars and don’t keep valuables in your vehicles or in your driveway!  One great suggestion was not to leave  garage door openers in your car either – so they can’t get into your home.

Thanks again for all the great leads and tag #s!!

I’ll send more info soon.

Suzanne Arnold

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