Confronted two guys possibly trying to break into a house at the end of LMJ rd. at preserve entrance. Red Honda Civic, faded and peeling paint, lots of dents and scratches. Two white males , mid twenties. Driver had light hair crew cut, clean shaved, average build 5' 8" to 5' 10". Large tattoo on back , small rectangular tattoo (possibly lettering) on right side of neck, other tattoo's as well but I don't remember what they were. Light gray tank top and baggy worn jeans.
Passenger was slender build, dark strait hair, over ear length, mustache and had not shaved in a few days, white t-shirt did not get out of car, don't know height. A neighbor spotted the same car a few minutes earlier on Marine Dr. near the Hickman residence. Driver was out of the car and on the back porch inside screen enclosure when I approached. Passenger was on the phone probably signaling his accomplice that I was there. Told me they were looking for a friend and jumped in the car and split fast.