Friday, October 14, 2011

More suspicious activity

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Members,

Last Tuesday Oct 11th, you received a message about a small green 4 door car with tinted windows that stopped and asked one of our middle school girls where she lived and how to get to Curry Ford Rd. The driver was a medium toned African American with a beard and mustache.

The car then drove down to a golf cart and asked directions. Since then we have gotten some more information. This incident on Tuesday was around 8:30 am as the girl was walking to the bus stop on LMJ towards the end of the road in Isle of Pines. He approached a golf cart and a person that was walking her dog said the car was a dark green dented and scratched up Saturn coupe.

There were some questions by other residents wondering if he was looking for Story’s Ford (instead of Curry Ford) to work on the “Homes for our Troops” – so we have had multiple neighbors driving by the sight for the past few days – but there is no work going on right now.

I also got a call yesterday that on Wed afternoon at 3:30pm, a neighbor saw a greenish blue scratched and dented coupe parked in the grass on the corner of Moss Park Rd & LMJ Rd facing traffic so she could not get a plate. She said she couldn’t see the lower face to look for a beard or mustache because the driver was on the phone so his hand covered that area, but he looked to be African American. This would be the time that the middle school bus would come back into our neighborhood.

I’m concerned that this may have been the same car - and if it was – then they are definitely not lost again! The police have been alerted - but we need your help. We need residents to get outside next week between 8:20 am and 8:40 am (morning middle school bus pick up) and again in the afternoon between 4:30 – 4:50 pm (3:30 – 3:50 on Wed) to walk your dogs, take a golf cart ride, or even just to get out in your front yards to water or weed so you can lend your eyes and your presence. Have your cell phones with you! If you see this car in our neighborhood – PLEASE GET A TAG NUMBER and call 911 or the non-emergency # 407-836-HELP (4357) (Add this number to your cell phone!)

BLOCK CAPTAINS – we have completely run out of car stickers that go on the outside of the car windows. If you have any – please put them in my yellow mailbox asap so I can get them out to residents. If we don’t have enough – I will order another batch – but don’t want to buy them if we don’t need to yet. I’m getting a lot of positive comments from residents on these stickers – and I know I sure like to see them even when I’m out an about in other areas and see an LMJ sticker!

Lake Levels – After last week’s rain – our lake has actually been rising all week and most residents on the lake have flooded back yards! Residents from Lake Hart, Lake Whippoorwill, Lake Ajay are experiencing this as well. We have contacted South Florida Water Management and there is someone going out to inspect today.

Here is the hyperlink to the SFWMD real time water conditions data webpage where you can click on the KISSIMMEE link /portal/pls/portal/realtime.realtime_app.rtv2?p_op=KISSIMMEE to check the status of the structure (S-62) located on the south end of Lake Hart.

If you want to make your voice heard on this as well – you can email Cecelia Weaver at . I have also advised some of the residents that are in extreme conditions to contact the news stations.

Event this Saturday – There will be some extra traffic this Saturday from outside our neighborhood from our 7th annual Isle of Pines Oysterfest from 2pm – 9pm. I had a few emails this week from residents outside the Isle of Pines. YES – you CAN attend – this event is not just for our Isle of Pines Residents and you can invite guests.

There are still tickets available at the gate on Saturday (I’ll be working the gate so stop by to say Hi!.) Tickets are $40 for adults and $20 for 8-12 yrs (under 12 is free.) This is an all you can eat event with a full menu and a band. This is held at our Isle of Pines Park on the lake.

For menu details and more info go to

Get outside and keep your eyes open as you enjoy this beautiful weather!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
LMJ Neighborhood Watch

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Suspicious activity

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Residents,

On Tuesday morning of 10.11.11 a small green 4 door car with tinted windows stopped and asked one of our middle schoolers walking on LMJ (in the Isle of Pines) where she lived and how to get to Curry Ford Rd. The driver was a medium toned African American with a beard and mustache.

After speaking to the young lady. He did move down the street and speak with some adults with a golf cart. If you know anything about this please let neighborhood watch know.

This may have been an innocent event of a man being lost or it may have been more. A report has been filed with the sheriff's office and they will try to increase patrol in this area during the time of bus pickup.

Please remember to lock your car doors and don’t leave valuable items in view. Report suspicious incidents to the non-emergency # 407-836-HELP.

Also – if you still have flooding in your ditches – call 311 and Orange County will come have your ditch dug out. Also – if enough people call mosquito control at 407-254-9120 and they will come out to spray.

Thanks for working together to make our neighborhood safer!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

LMJ Neighborhood Watch