Hello Neighborhood Watch Residents,
CAR Burglary & Break In – several incidents
Late Sunday Night (early Monday morning) there were several incidents of someone stealing items from cars in the Isle of Pines. At one house on Capri they got into an unlocked car and stole a small pocketbook with $40 cash and id’s. They pocketbook was not in view. There was a credit card in the car that was separate from the wallet that was also stolen and it was used twice at Wal-Mart around 3am and again after 5am! We are hoping to get surveillance pictures. They also broke in the side window of their truck but there were no items to take inside.
There was another car on Flo Rd that was unlocked and someone had clearly gone through the car – but there were no valuables.
These incidents are very similar to the rash of car burglaries we had a few years back. I would be very surprised if these are the only 2 incidents. PLEASE check your cars today so see if someone when through your car.
If someone went through your car, but you are not missing anything – please still report the incident by either going online to http://www.ocso.com/Fileapolicereport/tabid/126/Default.aspx or calling nonemergency at 407-836-HELP.
After filing a report – please send me an email so we can track how many incidents there were. Keep your eyes open, cars locked and don’t leave valuables in your car! Report suspicious behavior! Thanks!
There was also an isolated incident of an airboat propeller being stolen a few weeks ago. This was a targeted incident since they only went for this very specific & expensive item.
I heard some very positive results about less speeding. There was an electronic sign put up in the Isle of Pines. Live Oak Residents – was there one put on Rambling Oak yet? We also had several police officers (some under cover) with radars and I heard that tickets were issued. They will be coming out here randomly in different locations – so please follow the speed limits!
About 2 weeks ago there were 2 stop signs along LMJ Rd that were knocked down on a weekend. One in Isle of Pines and one at Live Oak. It is believed that this was intentional vandalism. That same weekend there was vandalism of the Live Oak Playground involving graffiti. Please contact Bob Vaughan at Specialty Management with any info (407) 647-2622 (you can remain anonymous.)
Keep Your Eyes Open!
Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
LMJ Neighborhood Watch