Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Narcoossee Corridor Policy Meeting Thurs Oct 20th at 6:30 pm

Hello Alliance Members,

Just a reminder that there is an important meeting this Thurs Oct 20th at 6:30pm held at Lake Nona High School.   PLEASE try to attend

This meeting is to discuss updating the Narcoossee Corridor Policies to try to get them back in line of what was planned 4 yrs ago.  It’s VERY important to get residents to attend this meeting to show your concerns about the current policies and this is your one chance to give input.  Originally the County wanted to hold 4 meetings again – but residents asked for one meeting for input, and then a follow up meeting a few weeks later to find out what the County will propose.


Back in 2007 residents met at 4 community meetings to discuss plans for the portion of the rural settlement on the east side of Narcoossee Rd between Tyson Rd and Kirby Smith.  The idea was to allow low impact 2 story Professional Office on the first 300-400 feet of land closest to Narcoossee Rd since the road was going to 6 lanes and there is now development across the street. 

The back portion of this land was supposed to remain rural, and there was supposed to be a road (almost like a small service rd) parallel to Narcoossee that would divide the rural area from the Office Space, and would connect residents to both Tyson Rd and Kirby Smith without having driveways and mailboxes directly on 6 lane Narcoossee Rd.  

Since then – the adopted policies have changed so much that developers are trying to put in 4 story commercial buildings, hotels, and apartments.  They are also trying to develop all the way back to the lake – leaving only wetlands to fulfill their “rural” requirements.  

Several key members of the Hart Whippoorwill Community and the President of our Alliance and myself all met with our Dist 4 Commissioner Thompson and Staff this summer to ask for some changes to the policies and completion of other policies so that we can finally quit fighting everything that comes forward as proposed new development.  

Our Commissioner agreed to this and said she remembers some of the original vision.   After they get this resident input, then her office will work with staff to create an amendment to try to get the policies back in line with the original vision. 

If the policies are changed - this will not impact developers that have already been approved – but this would impact future plans and stop previous plans from stretching even farther.

We need to stay focused at the meeting to the specific topics that we can impact.
Here are the 6 key things we discussed:

  •  More land needs to be left inside the rural settlement next to the lake.  Discussions of a minimum of 33%, 2 acres, or 300 ft from the lake   - whichever is the largest.
  • C-1 uses must be restricted to same list of uses approved for Tyson’s Corner.  (Staff knows what is on this list and we have copies)
  • NO Multi-Family !  (apts, townhomes etc.)
  • Height should only be 2 stories (maybe 3 in certain cases by the rd) and Mass only 10,000 – 15,000 Sq Ft
  • Building Architecture – similar to what is proposed for Windermere Rural Settlement  Main Street  (Commissioner knows this) and what was originally promised. 
  • Access Rd – difficult because of the current layout of parcels.   The only thing we could try to request on this is that the connections between parcels should be within the first 300 ft closest to Narcoossee so it actually connects the offices – and does not encourage sprawl towards the lake.

Thanks for making an effort to attend this important meeting!

Suzanne Arnold
Alliance Communications Chairperson

Monday, October 17, 2011

Door to Door Scams

LMJ Neighborhood Watch Members,

I have forwarded two messages below that I received tonight – Monday Oct 17th  - and hope you didn’t get caught in this scam as well!  “Marquis Fulfillment Agency”  is associated with SCAM complaints all over the internet – and their website listed below does not exist. 

 They had a van load of kids out getting donations today under false pretenses.  If they come out here again - be aware – and tell them to leave this neighborhood.  If you gave them a check – see if you can cancel it – but it’s probably already cashed.  One resident went to the bank and closed out his account and opened a new one for protection.

I’ve let our deputy know about this as well (I’m betting it’s a fake tag)  but we are the front line – so make sure your neighbors are aware of this!  Don’t know that they will come back the very next day – but at some point they will come back! ( I think they were out here a few months earlier this year!)

Question anyone selling door to door if you don’t know them!!  Special thanks to Laura and Gary for reporting detailed info about the people going door to door!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Subject: money scam in live oaks

Suzanne, as we discussed earlier today Oct 17,11 Monday. We were approached in our home by a young man claiming to be Mike Mathews, new to the area living in Live Oaks on Bramble Bush and representing the Wounded Warriors Project. After we made a donation I became suspicious when I saw the van so I sent my wife to that house as I followed it out and to 15 south. She found out that he had been there also and it was all a LIE. He also claimed he was representing the baseball team the that was part of the WMBA? names the Ghost, which is a young Christian men's baseball travel team and that a small part of the money would be going to them don't know if this is even a team in Orlando or FL. Mike also said he was going to be attending UCF next season as member of their baseball team and that he was a pitcher. 

Majestic Sales, is on the receipt along with, would be getting 25% of all money collected for his baseball team the Ghost. 

He was picked up in a white extended van license # GC 4444-12  which was filled with all young white boys.  they have been in the neighborhood for several hours before coming to my house. 

Please alert everyone to this scam.   if you go to the web site you will see the reports of the scam. 

He was very convincing !

Subject: Door to Door in the area

Hi Suzanne,
There is an extremely nice young man knocking on doors in the neighborhood claiming to raise money for his soccer team. The fundraiser matches a scam that is reported on the web: Marquis Fulfillment Agency. He claims to be a soccer player, but smokes. He says his mother and father are both in the military and live in the fourth house on the right on Conifer, his mother’s name is “Kathy”.  I am pretty sure that is not our neighbor.  He is selling care packages for the troops.
Just wanted to let you know so you can pass it along.