Hello LMJ CrimeWatch neighbors,
We’ve been working closely with the CrimeWatch Deputy and he is trying to follow up on all reported cases. He sent me these photos and wants any residents that saw this individual to reply back with details and I will forward on. Notice the tattoo on his arm.
Thanks to a watchful neighbor that saw 2 men late night / early morning (in the end of Feb) park their pickup truck and start going through their neighbor’s vehicle. He approached them and they took off in their truck. He took a ride up to 7-11 to see if they might have gone there – and sure enough the truck was parked there and the men were inside. He took the tag # - and recently gave it to the police. So these are the photos of the suspect and the truck they were in that night.
As to the crimes that happened last night – we are now hearing about more incidents including Nell, Fresno, & Desilu. We are also starting to get more leads. PLEASE TALK TO YOUR NEIGHBORS and don’t leave valuables in your vehicles!
Thanks for being part of the LMJ CrimeWatch!
Suzanne Arnold
Those arm tattoos should be rather identifiable.