Thursday, December 19, 2013

Join us for  “LIGHT UP THE LAKE” Boat Parade on Friday Dec. 20thstarting at 6:30pm on Lake Mary Jane   (Line up by 6:15 at the south end of the lake)
We have some prizes and goodies to give out at 6:15!  ALL PARTICIPATING BOATS WILL ALSO RECEIVE A FREE PASS TO ENTER THE PARK FOR THE “LIGHT UP THE WILD” Holiday Light DRIVE!  (Pass valid 6pm – 9pm  Fri, Sun or Mon)
Join in the Parade:
Don’t have a lot of lights or time to decorate?  No Worries – come out and join in the parade anyway.  

 The more boats the better!  For those of you with lots of decorations – we will have prizes for Best In ShowBest Holiday ThemeBrightest Boat, and Most Creative.  We will also have prizes for Redneck Riviera and Charlie Brown (for the simplest boat!)  That’s right – light up your boat with flashlights and glow sticks!  Go Wild and join in the fun!

Meet us at the south end of Lake Mary Jane by 6:15  (farthest from Moss Park)  for prizes & line up.

The parade will start promptly at 6:30 and should take about 1 hr. We will stay close to the shoreline by the docks so residents can enjoy the lights.  We will cruise through the Isle of Pines, Lake Mary Jane Shores, and then past the Moss Park Beach where it can be viewed by the people attending the “Light Up the Wild” event.  
What is “Light Up the Wild”?

Moss Park is holding their 1st annual event with a holiday display of lights to drive through!  The drive is offered nightly from 6-every night from Thurs Dec 19th – Monday Dec 23rd.  Cost is regular admission fee of $5 per car.  It’s truly an incredible display of lights!!

There is also a huge “Wild Santa Surprise" on Dec 21st including: Free sledding on a snow hill, Giant airboat rides by Wild Florida Airboat (for a nominal fee), Free photos holding a baby alligator (bring your camera), Santa’s Market featuring vendors, crafts, & last minute shopping for stocking stuffers, hot chocolate and marshmallow roasting (for a nominal fee to benefit the local Boy Scouts) and much more.  Santa Arrives in the fire truck and you can visit him at Granny’s Gingerbread House afterwards!  Then there is a 5K run/walk through the lights – and the holiday drive will start again that night.
For more info on “Light Up the Wild” and actual times of events, or to sign up for the 5K run, go to
Hope you and your families can enjoy this WILD holiday event in our community!

Suzanne Arnold

Friday, November 8, 2013

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Members

Just a heads up that the Isle of Pines Neighborhood Garage Sale is this Friday and Saturday from 8-4pm, so we will have a lot of outside traffic driving through the neighborhood.  Please make sure that you don’t leave valuables in unlocked cars, and don’t leave items in your front yard that someone may think is for the garage sale – or leftover from the garage sale.  We haven’t had any problems in the past years – but always a good idea to keep a watchful eye and don’t leave out valuables.

Also – many of you have been asking about the LIGHT UP THE WILD sign at Moss Park.  (and some of you were worried about the airboats)  I’m helping to coordinate the Boat Parade - so here’s the scoop:

Orange County Parks & Recreation is hosting their first annual Holiday Event here at Moss Park – called


Thurs Dec. 19th through Monday Dec. 23rd

Nightly Drive through Holiday Lights & Displays from 6pm – 9pm 

Just $5 per car (t
he normal entrance fee!)

PLUS these extras:

Friday Dec 20th  - Boat Parade from 6:30 – 7:30pm

Light Up the Lake Boat Parade is put on by our own LMJ Friends and Neighbors in the surrounding communities, so join in the fun

(Free to be in the parade!  Go online to get details and sign up.)

Parade will start at the south end of the lake cruising past the Isle of Pines, Lake Mary Jane Shores, and then past Moss Park around 7pm.

Saturday Dec 21st – Wild Santa Saturday 

starting at 1pm with Wild Florida Airboat Rides 

plus a 5K Family Fun Run through the Holiday Lights at 5:30pm

(The Run will be INSIDE Moss Park and will NOT impact traffic on LMJ Rd.)

Plus MUCH more to make it a WILD day:

See live alligators and climb aboard Santa’s airboat sleigh for a family photo op.  You don’t want to miss the food trucks, kid’s games, live entertainment, and spending a special evening with Santa, cocoa, campfires, and holiday marshmallows.  Take advantage of unique last minute gifts and stocking stuffers too.

Take a break from the shopping malls and make a new family tradition at Moss Park’s LIGHT UP THE WILD!

For more details on how to join the boat parade, register for the run, be a sponsor or a volunteer, to have a local group perform, or to have your club participate in this event, go    or email

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hello Neighborhood Watch Residents,

  CAR Burglary & Break In – several incidents

 Late Sunday Night (early Monday morning) there were several incidents of someone stealing items from cars in the Isle of Pines. At one house on Capri they got into an unlocked car and stole a small pocketbook with $40 cash and id’s. They pocketbook was not in view. There was a credit card in the car that was separate from the wallet that was also stolen and it was used twice at Wal-Mart around 3am and again after 5am! We are hoping to get surveillance pictures. They also broke in the side window of their truck but there were no items to take inside.

 There was another car on Flo Rd that was unlocked and someone had clearly gone through the car – but there were no valuables. These incidents are very similar to the rash of car burglaries we had a few years back. I would be very surprised if these are the only 2 incidents. PLEASE check your cars today so see if someone when through your car.

 If someone went through your car, but you are not missing anything – please still report the incident by either going online to or calling nonemergency at 407-836-HELP.

 After filing a report – please send me an email so we can track how many incidents there were. Keep your eyes open, cars locked and don’t leave valuables in your car! Report suspicious behavior! Thanks! There was also an isolated incident of an airboat propeller being stolen a few weeks ago. This was a targeted incident since they only went for this very specific & expensive item.


I heard some very positive results about less speeding. There was an electronic sign put up in the Isle of Pines. Live Oak Residents – was there one put on Rambling Oak yet? We also had several police officers (some under cover) with radars and I heard that tickets were issued. They will be coming out here randomly in different locations – so please follow the speed limits!


About 2 weeks ago there were 2 stop signs along LMJ Rd that were knocked down on a weekend. One in Isle of Pines and one at Live Oak. It is believed that this was intentional vandalism. That same weekend there was vandalism of the Live Oak Playground involving graffiti. Please contact Bob Vaughan at Specialty Management with any info (407) 647-2622 (you can remain anonymous.)

 Keep Your Eyes Open!
Suzanne Arnold
 LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
LMJ Neighborhood Watch

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dear Resident,

 As of yesterday, the City of Orlando approved the first step towards annexing Innovation Place in southeast Orange County. This annexation is occurring at the request of the property owners.

Although I cannot say for certain, I expect this to have limited impact on the overall vision for Innovation Way. However, I will be working very closely with City of Orlando Commissioner Jim Gray so that together we may ensure that this larger vision for future economic development is not impacted by any plans approved by the City as a result of this annexation.

I have also been assured that Innovation Place as it develops within the City will not adversely impact the road alignments that the County has been working on for several years. I will keep you posted with further updates as I have them.

 If you have any further questions or comments, please contact my office at (407) 836-5916.

Yours in service,
Jennifer Thompson Orange County Commissioner,
District 4 201 S. Rosalind Avenue Orlando, FL 32802

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Residents,

Sorry it’s taken me a few days to get a meeting recap out to you. I have had meetings and events each night and the kids are now out of school – just another reason to PLEASE drive with extra care! We had a good turnout of about 35-40 people attending.

 Susan Makowski (Aide to Commissioner Thompson) started our meeting with a discussion of speed humps and other “traffic calming devices”. She explained the different options, but what many residents don’t know is that those living on the street with the humps will have to pay for them.

I got a price from residents in the Hart Whippoorwill Rural Settlement of $3000 per speed hump. They were able to get the county to help pay about ½ with a special grant – but their speeding issue on Kirby Smith was due to the high school traffic using their neighborhood as a cut through – so it was external traffic speeding through and the humps have stopped people from driving through.

In our case, this is our own residents speeding – not cut through traffic so a grant would probably not apply. Side streets with dead ends are not considered since there is not enough traffic, and speed limits would also have to be reduced to 25 mph on LMJ rd to have speed humps.

 To start the process you must first request a petition for the specific rd. Then you need to do the footwork going door to door to collect signatures of residents living on that road that will have to pay for the humps to be willing to support this.

If there is enough interest, then the County will hold a community meeting to review the traffic calming device options available and ask the residents if they want to proceed. If they do, then an official ballot is sent out to each resident on the road that will be paying for the speed humps. (no one else can vote since they will not pay for them.) Of the returned ballots, there must be 67% in favor for it to pass. The process can take about 6 months once a petition is received. If any individuals are interested in pursuing this process – I can send you more information.

Next we had Deputy Belmonte answer other questions. We talked about other ways to slow traffic with signs, flyers, painting on the road, etc. I am requesting a review by the Road Dept to review the area for improvements. We talked about creating signs for our own yards with the speed limit or ones that say “Children at Play”. We also asked about reporting incidents. You can send me details that I will send on the our Deputy, but she will use it as a log to look for patterns of speeding and then send out an officer to try to radar the area. If you see a car speeding on a regular basis – or just want to report individual incidents you need to do 2 things:

 1st – Contact Non-Emergency at 407-836-HELP (4357) and you must have a Tag # in addition to make, model & color of car, time of day and location.

 2nd – After calling in the incident – you can email me the info (please do not call) so I can forward it to our Deputy for the log.

Since January – we have only had 2 complaints called in which is a very low number so officers will not come out here for that. They will also take your information – so if you are the only one calling over and over again – they will lump together all the incidents. In other words – don’t sit in your driveway all day making calls – that won’t help. It needs to be residents from all over our community complaining. If there are enough incidents – we will have officers randomly use radar out here.

BEWARE – speeding fines are $204 for going 15 miles over the limit, $254 for going 20 over the limit, and on up. If I have a lot of repeat tag numbers – I can add this info to an email and include the car description, make, model, dates and times (but not the tag) so this may alert someone (or a parent) that may not be aware. *

** WARNING – GOLF CART OWNERS – please note that we are NOT a recognized golf cart community! (We tried to get this status for the Isle of Pines a few yrs ago but the county is not adding any more official golf cart communities. Even if we could get this status – only golf carts that are officially registered would be allowed on the road – and to pass that test they must have tops, lights, rear view mirrors, etc to be “street legal” and able to keep up with traffic speeds.)

So, if a cop is out in the neighborhood ticketing speeders – they can also ticket golf carts since they are not legal – and if the driver of the golf cart is a minor – the parents of the golf cart can be charged with a CRIMINAL OFFENSE! 4 wheelers can also be charged if they are driving on the streets (yes – that means crossing the street.) And driving in a golf cart with alcohol is another ticket you don’t want to get. So please weigh the risk if you are driving a golf cart – I have a feeling that with the complaints heard at the meeting that there will be officers with radar out here randomly.

 We also discussed other ways to report someone speeding – but there really are not many options at this time other than radar. I would love to say that this is an outside problem – but it’s not. The majority of speeders are our own neighbors. However - if you see a business vehicle speeding – you may want to consider calling that company and giving them the tag #, time, location and vehicle description. This can really call attention to a problem! If you see a school bus speeding – please call it in with the tag # or bus # & the date and time. Then email me the info. I have a contact that works for the school transportation department – and all busses now have GPS on them so they can review the incident!

 Another thing I’m looking into is grant money to widen the road for a bike lane. Since rural settlements do not include sidewalks – we were hoping to find some other way to keep our bikers, roller bladders, and walkers a little safer on our narrow roads. I will keep you posted if there is something we can look into. I also had a neighbor contact me this week saying she would be glad to stand out by the road holding signs to remind drivers to slow down. If there are others that would want to team up with her – please let me know & I’ll put you in contact with each other. Last option is the Citizens on Patrol program.

We can have a volunteer from our community go through the process of becoming a Citizen on Patrol officer and they could help randomly patrol our neighborhood in a car that looks almost the same as a regular police car. This presence has been shown to dramatically reduce both crime and speeding!

If you are interesting in learning more about this program, let me know and I will send you info. The best way to stop speeding is to take responsibility yourself not to speed through any of our neighborhoods. I know we all run late – and sometimes on our long quiet roads you may not even realize how fast you are going. I know I have been using my cruise control lately to make sure I don’t start speeding up without realizing it.

Parents – if you have young drivers – please sit down and talk with them about the consequences – both financial and legal. We are hearing about a lot about different teens constantly speeding through the neighborhoods. I sincerely hope we can turn things around together as a community that cares about each other!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
LMJ Neighborhood Watch

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Residents,

 We are expecting rain tonight – but unless we have a dangerous storm come through we will still be meeting under our pavilion tonight. Join us for a Neighborhood Watch Meeting about SPEEDING in our community.

SAVE the DATE – Monday June 3rd at 6pm in the pavilion at the Isle of Pines Neighborhood Park (13694 S. Lake Mary Jane Rd – by Flo Rd and before Nell Rd)

 All residents from the communities along LMJ Rd are encouraged to attend (Live Oak Estates, Lake Mary Jane Shores, Roberts Island, Lake & Pines Estates, & Isle of Pines.)

 Hope to see you tonight!

 Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator LMJ Neighborhood Watch

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Residents,

Join us for a Neighborhood Watch Meeting about SPEEDING in our community.

SAVE the DATE – Monday June 3rd at 6pm in the pavilion at the Isle of Pines Neighborhood Park (13694 S. Lake Mary Jane Rd – by Flo Rd and before Nell Rd) All residents from the communities along LMJ Rd are encouraged to attend (Live Oak Estates, Lake Mary Jane Shores, Roberts Island, Lake & Pines Estates, & Isle of Pines.)

There is a large covered pavilion – so if it’s raining we will still hold the meeting. (If there is a dangerous storm I will send an email to reschedule.) The park has a playground – so if you need to bring your kids so you can attend – that is ok. (please do not allow your kids to swim in the lake during this meeting – thanks.) There have been a lot of complaints lately about residents speeding in our community, so we are having a special meeting with Deputy Melissa Belmont from the Crime Prevention Unit and a Sergeant from the motor unit. We have also asked for someone from the Commissioner’s office to attend as well. We will discuss ideas on how to stop or report speeders, radar, possible areas for speed humps etc. I strongly encourage residents to attend! We need a big turnout to show the Sherriff’s office how concerned we are about this issue! Please come with a positive attitude & ideas so we can work as a community to improve this problem. Thank you for being part of the solution!

Suzanne Arnold LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator LMJ Neighborhood Watch Other Safety items:

 1) HUGE Cotton Mouth Snake in IOP possibly near Sheba Rd. A cat was bit and died last week, and the vet said that from the size of the fang marks it was a cotton mouth with a head the size of a large fist. Please be careful and check the area before you have small children or pets outside. Cotton Mouth snakes are very aggressive.

 2) There was an attempted theft of a riding lawn mower in Roberts Island last week. The item was on a back porch – not visible from the street.

3) There was a car driving around late last week taking pictures and writing down addresses etc on a clipboard. When approached they claimed to be working for an insurance company. When the resident checked on this insurance company – it turned out that they don’t even have offices in Florida. Please question people like this. Take their photos and ask for ID and get TAG numbers!

4) If you have kids that you don’t know from the neighborhood selling magazines or bins full of stuff – don’t buy anything. They will use your neighbors names and make up stories about special trips they have won or sports team competitions – but it’s all lies and they do not live in our community.

5) A Live Oak resident asked me to pass on a HUGE THANK YOU to the motorists that are courteous to us bicyclists who have to use LMJ and Moss Park roads. Most drivers from this area are so awesome and completely move into the other lane when they go around me (us). THANK YOU! I appreciate their safe and respectful driving.

6) A 3 month old Sandhill Crane baby was hit by a speeding car on Sunday on Moss Park Rd & LMJ Rd. and 3 other cars behind it just kept speeding down the road too as bicyclists stood by watching.

 7) Beware of home alarms sales scams. Details below: You will soon be seeing an increase of alarm companies hiring traveling sales agents to go door-to-door making unsolicited “cold calls” on homeowners. In some cases, the salespeople use high-pressure or deceptive sales tactics to get potential customers to buy expensive and sometimes substandard, systems or equipment they don’t need.

Before you let anyone inside your home, ask for identification. Get their name, the name of their business they represent, and the goods or service they wish to sell. Signs of Security System Scam: They make a time-limited offer, and claim you need to act now. For example, they may try to get you so sign a contract by telling you the equipment is “Free”. More than likely strings are attached like a long-term and expensive monitoring contract They may pressure their way into your home and then refuse to leave. Just say “No” at the door step and if they refuse to leave, call the Sheriff's Office. They may use scare tactics. For example they may talk about a rash of supposed burglaries in your neighborhood.

 Some sales agents target homeowners who have signs on their property for other security companies. The sales agent my state or imply that they are from your existing company and that they’re there to “upgrade” or “replace” you current system. Once inside they install a new security system and have to sign papers that include a costly contract for the monitoring system. They may claim your security company has gone out of business, that they’ve taken over the accounts, and that you have to buy new equipment and sign new contract. If this happens contact your current monitoring company to confirm. 

Ask the following questions: Who will perform installation and monitor the system? Some companies subcontract this work to a third party. What is the contract period for monitoring? Are there penalties for early termination? What happens if you move before the contract term is up? How much does the monitoring costs? How often will you be billed? Does the company call you before notifying the police? How soon after the alarm sounds will you notify? What happens if the alarm company can’t reach you when the alarm is sounding? Is the alarm reset? Are the police called? Are alternate numbers called? What happens if the power goes out? Is there a back-up battery system? What does the warranty cover, and for how long? Who is responsible for repairs or upgrades to the system? Does the company offer interactive services like smoke and fire detection, remote control, video surveillance, email notifications and special apps for smart phones? 

Contact Attorney General Local Consumer Protection Agency Better Business Bureau National Assoc of State Contractors Florida Trade Commission

Sunday, April 21, 2013

We have posted photos of the older red Honda Civic car and driver that were on someone’s property and in their screened in porch on Wed April 17 .  Go to our LMJ Watch blog at LMJ Neighborhood Watch to see the photos. Details from the neighbor that confronted the driver and passenger are at the bottom of this email.  

Several of you have responded that you may have seen this older red Honda civic car -  one sighting on Tues driving around Roberts Island, and a sighting on Pinecone Rd maybe an hour before this incident, and then another neighbor saw a similar car on Friday and got a tag # that we are having checked.  Great observations!  

Just FYI – there was also an attempted burglary in a nearby community on Thurs April 18th that was sent to me by the Lake Hart/Whippoorwill Community leader:  Due to an observant neighbor, a burglary was averted this afternoon at a house on Kirby Smith. The neighbor observed 3 black males attempting to gain access to his neighbor's house and called 911. The Orange County Sheriff responded promptly and took them into custody, after finding them, in Bella Nona. The OC Sheriff arrested 2 (resident could only ID 2.)

Remember – as your Neighborhood Watch coordinator, I try to share info, pictures, and keep residents alert, but YOU need to call 911  (or the 407-836-HELP non-emergency #)  before you send info to me.   I do not respond to crime scenes.

Suzanne Arnold

Friday, April 19, 2013

Subject: Possible burglars in the hood and pics of car

 Confronted two guys possibly trying to break into a house at the end of LMJ rd. at preserve entrance. Red Honda Civic, faded and peeling paint, lots of dents and scratches. Two white males , mid twenties. Driver had light hair crew cut, clean shaved, average build 5' 8" to 5' 10". Large tattoo on back , small rectangular tattoo (possibly lettering) on right side of neck, other tattoo's as well but I don't remember what they were. Light gray tank top and baggy worn jeans.

Passenger was slender build, dark strait hair, over ear length, mustache and had not shaved in a few days, white t-shirt did not get out of car, don't know height. A neighbor spotted the same car a few minutes earlier on Marine Dr. near the Hickman residence. Driver was out of the car and on the back porch inside screen enclosure when I approached. Passenger was on the phone probably signaling his accomplice that I was there. Told me they were looking for a friend and jumped in the car and split fast.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Suzanne Arnold 11:14 PM (8 hours ago) to Neighborhood Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch, Had a few things happen today and I’m still waiting for the details and photos, but just wanted to alert everyone.

 Around 2pm (1400 hours) today a red Honda car with 2 young men inside pulled up to a house at the end of LMJ Rd and Marine Dr.  No one was home and one of the guys went around back and started going into the screened in porch. The neighbor across the street said his dog was going crazy so he went over and talked to them. They claimed to know someone there – but obviously not.  In broad daylight, mind you.

The driver was a skinny guy with short blonde hair and tattoos on his neck etc. The other guy had brown hair. They left and went down LMJ Rd and may have taken a left near Winterset. The neighbor did not get the tag #. He called the cops but was not there when the cops got there later.

Around 3 or 3:30 a neighbor on LMJ Rd noticed that their screen on their dock-room had been ripped open. He went out to the dock and could see wet footprints as if someone got out of the water and onto their dock. The room portion was locked up so nothing was stolen.  He could hear people over at the IOP park and thinks someone may have swam over?

 If you have any information about these incidents – please let me know.  Keep your eyes open for suspicious behavior or unfamiliar vehicles in the area – especially an older red Honda.    GET A TAG # please! I will send more details once I receive them.

 SPEEDING – I have had quite a few people complaining about people speeding on our roads. Be warned – we may have cops out here soon with radar guns. I was thinking about putting together a meeting with some of the sheriffs to discuss what else we can do to help stop this dangerous problem. Let me know if you are interested in this.  Keep your eyes open!

 Suzanne Arnold LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator