Thursday, December 8, 2011

Five Car Burglaries...

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch,

Sorry to report that after quite a long time of no incidents – we had a rash of car burglaries Tues Night Dec 6th.  I received 5 reports of car burglaries on Fresno, Marine by LMJ, and Nell.  They took money, a wallet, a GPS, an Ipod, etc.  One car owner said they could tell someone went through their car – but they didn’t have any valuables left inside to take. 

 From the messages I received – it sounds like all these cars were left unlocked.  The burglars were successful – so they typically will try this again.  Your best defense is to simply:

  •        Lock your may be inconvenient but it is safe
  •        Don’t leave valuables in your unlocked cars
  •        Don’t leave valuables in plain sight or they will break into your car

Many of the victims lost keys or work ID’s – so if you find any items like this in the ditches on the side of the roads – please let me know.  If you were also a victim – please file a report! 

Call 407 836-help  
or online

Suzanne Arnold

LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
LMJ Neighborhood Watch

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Narcoossee Corridor Policy Meeting Thurs Oct 20th at 6:30 pm

Hello Alliance Members,

Just a reminder that there is an important meeting this Thurs Oct 20th at 6:30pm held at Lake Nona High School.   PLEASE try to attend

This meeting is to discuss updating the Narcoossee Corridor Policies to try to get them back in line of what was planned 4 yrs ago.  It’s VERY important to get residents to attend this meeting to show your concerns about the current policies and this is your one chance to give input.  Originally the County wanted to hold 4 meetings again – but residents asked for one meeting for input, and then a follow up meeting a few weeks later to find out what the County will propose.


Back in 2007 residents met at 4 community meetings to discuss plans for the portion of the rural settlement on the east side of Narcoossee Rd between Tyson Rd and Kirby Smith.  The idea was to allow low impact 2 story Professional Office on the first 300-400 feet of land closest to Narcoossee Rd since the road was going to 6 lanes and there is now development across the street. 

The back portion of this land was supposed to remain rural, and there was supposed to be a road (almost like a small service rd) parallel to Narcoossee that would divide the rural area from the Office Space, and would connect residents to both Tyson Rd and Kirby Smith without having driveways and mailboxes directly on 6 lane Narcoossee Rd.  

Since then – the adopted policies have changed so much that developers are trying to put in 4 story commercial buildings, hotels, and apartments.  They are also trying to develop all the way back to the lake – leaving only wetlands to fulfill their “rural” requirements.  

Several key members of the Hart Whippoorwill Community and the President of our Alliance and myself all met with our Dist 4 Commissioner Thompson and Staff this summer to ask for some changes to the policies and completion of other policies so that we can finally quit fighting everything that comes forward as proposed new development.  

Our Commissioner agreed to this and said she remembers some of the original vision.   After they get this resident input, then her office will work with staff to create an amendment to try to get the policies back in line with the original vision. 

If the policies are changed - this will not impact developers that have already been approved – but this would impact future plans and stop previous plans from stretching even farther.

We need to stay focused at the meeting to the specific topics that we can impact.
Here are the 6 key things we discussed:

  •  More land needs to be left inside the rural settlement next to the lake.  Discussions of a minimum of 33%, 2 acres, or 300 ft from the lake   - whichever is the largest.
  • C-1 uses must be restricted to same list of uses approved for Tyson’s Corner.  (Staff knows what is on this list and we have copies)
  • NO Multi-Family !  (apts, townhomes etc.)
  • Height should only be 2 stories (maybe 3 in certain cases by the rd) and Mass only 10,000 – 15,000 Sq Ft
  • Building Architecture – similar to what is proposed for Windermere Rural Settlement  Main Street  (Commissioner knows this) and what was originally promised. 
  • Access Rd – difficult because of the current layout of parcels.   The only thing we could try to request on this is that the connections between parcels should be within the first 300 ft closest to Narcoossee so it actually connects the offices – and does not encourage sprawl towards the lake.

Thanks for making an effort to attend this important meeting!

Suzanne Arnold
Alliance Communications Chairperson

Monday, October 17, 2011

Door to Door Scams

LMJ Neighborhood Watch Members,

I have forwarded two messages below that I received tonight – Monday Oct 17th  - and hope you didn’t get caught in this scam as well!  “Marquis Fulfillment Agency”  is associated with SCAM complaints all over the internet – and their website listed below does not exist. 

 They had a van load of kids out getting donations today under false pretenses.  If they come out here again - be aware – and tell them to leave this neighborhood.  If you gave them a check – see if you can cancel it – but it’s probably already cashed.  One resident went to the bank and closed out his account and opened a new one for protection.

I’ve let our deputy know about this as well (I’m betting it’s a fake tag)  but we are the front line – so make sure your neighbors are aware of this!  Don’t know that they will come back the very next day – but at some point they will come back! ( I think they were out here a few months earlier this year!)

Question anyone selling door to door if you don’t know them!!  Special thanks to Laura and Gary for reporting detailed info about the people going door to door!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Subject: money scam in live oaks

Suzanne, as we discussed earlier today Oct 17,11 Monday. We were approached in our home by a young man claiming to be Mike Mathews, new to the area living in Live Oaks on Bramble Bush and representing the Wounded Warriors Project. After we made a donation I became suspicious when I saw the van so I sent my wife to that house as I followed it out and to 15 south. She found out that he had been there also and it was all a LIE. He also claimed he was representing the baseball team the that was part of the WMBA? names the Ghost, which is a young Christian men's baseball travel team and that a small part of the money would be going to them don't know if this is even a team in Orlando or FL. Mike also said he was going to be attending UCF next season as member of their baseball team and that he was a pitcher. 

Majestic Sales, is on the receipt along with, would be getting 25% of all money collected for his baseball team the Ghost. 

He was picked up in a white extended van license # GC 4444-12  which was filled with all young white boys.  they have been in the neighborhood for several hours before coming to my house. 

Please alert everyone to this scam.   if you go to the web site you will see the reports of the scam. 

He was very convincing !

Subject: Door to Door in the area

Hi Suzanne,
There is an extremely nice young man knocking on doors in the neighborhood claiming to raise money for his soccer team. The fundraiser matches a scam that is reported on the web: Marquis Fulfillment Agency. He claims to be a soccer player, but smokes. He says his mother and father are both in the military and live in the fourth house on the right on Conifer, his mother’s name is “Kathy”.  I am pretty sure that is not our neighbor.  He is selling care packages for the troops.
Just wanted to let you know so you can pass it along.

Friday, October 14, 2011

More suspicious activity

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Members,

Last Tuesday Oct 11th, you received a message about a small green 4 door car with tinted windows that stopped and asked one of our middle school girls where she lived and how to get to Curry Ford Rd. The driver was a medium toned African American with a beard and mustache.

The car then drove down to a golf cart and asked directions. Since then we have gotten some more information. This incident on Tuesday was around 8:30 am as the girl was walking to the bus stop on LMJ towards the end of the road in Isle of Pines. He approached a golf cart and a person that was walking her dog said the car was a dark green dented and scratched up Saturn coupe.

There were some questions by other residents wondering if he was looking for Story’s Ford (instead of Curry Ford) to work on the “Homes for our Troops” – so we have had multiple neighbors driving by the sight for the past few days – but there is no work going on right now.

I also got a call yesterday that on Wed afternoon at 3:30pm, a neighbor saw a greenish blue scratched and dented coupe parked in the grass on the corner of Moss Park Rd & LMJ Rd facing traffic so she could not get a plate. She said she couldn’t see the lower face to look for a beard or mustache because the driver was on the phone so his hand covered that area, but he looked to be African American. This would be the time that the middle school bus would come back into our neighborhood.

I’m concerned that this may have been the same car - and if it was – then they are definitely not lost again! The police have been alerted - but we need your help. We need residents to get outside next week between 8:20 am and 8:40 am (morning middle school bus pick up) and again in the afternoon between 4:30 – 4:50 pm (3:30 – 3:50 on Wed) to walk your dogs, take a golf cart ride, or even just to get out in your front yards to water or weed so you can lend your eyes and your presence. Have your cell phones with you! If you see this car in our neighborhood – PLEASE GET A TAG NUMBER and call 911 or the non-emergency # 407-836-HELP (4357) (Add this number to your cell phone!)

BLOCK CAPTAINS – we have completely run out of car stickers that go on the outside of the car windows. If you have any – please put them in my yellow mailbox asap so I can get them out to residents. If we don’t have enough – I will order another batch – but don’t want to buy them if we don’t need to yet. I’m getting a lot of positive comments from residents on these stickers – and I know I sure like to see them even when I’m out an about in other areas and see an LMJ sticker!

Lake Levels – After last week’s rain – our lake has actually been rising all week and most residents on the lake have flooded back yards! Residents from Lake Hart, Lake Whippoorwill, Lake Ajay are experiencing this as well. We have contacted South Florida Water Management and there is someone going out to inspect today.

Here is the hyperlink to the SFWMD real time water conditions data webpage where you can click on the KISSIMMEE link /portal/pls/portal/realtime.realtime_app.rtv2?p_op=KISSIMMEE to check the status of the structure (S-62) located on the south end of Lake Hart.

If you want to make your voice heard on this as well – you can email Cecelia Weaver at . I have also advised some of the residents that are in extreme conditions to contact the news stations.

Event this Saturday – There will be some extra traffic this Saturday from outside our neighborhood from our 7th annual Isle of Pines Oysterfest from 2pm – 9pm. I had a few emails this week from residents outside the Isle of Pines. YES – you CAN attend – this event is not just for our Isle of Pines Residents and you can invite guests.

There are still tickets available at the gate on Saturday (I’ll be working the gate so stop by to say Hi!.) Tickets are $40 for adults and $20 for 8-12 yrs (under 12 is free.) This is an all you can eat event with a full menu and a band. This is held at our Isle of Pines Park on the lake.

For menu details and more info go to

Get outside and keep your eyes open as you enjoy this beautiful weather!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
LMJ Neighborhood Watch

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Suspicious activity

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Residents,

On Tuesday morning of 10.11.11 a small green 4 door car with tinted windows stopped and asked one of our middle schoolers walking on LMJ (in the Isle of Pines) where she lived and how to get to Curry Ford Rd. The driver was a medium toned African American with a beard and mustache.

After speaking to the young lady. He did move down the street and speak with some adults with a golf cart. If you know anything about this please let neighborhood watch know.

This may have been an innocent event of a man being lost or it may have been more. A report has been filed with the sheriff's office and they will try to increase patrol in this area during the time of bus pickup.

Please remember to lock your car doors and don’t leave valuable items in view. Report suspicious incidents to the non-emergency # 407-836-HELP.

Also – if you still have flooding in your ditches – call 311 and Orange County will come have your ditch dug out. Also – if enough people call mosquito control at 407-254-9120 and they will come out to spray.

Thanks for working together to make our neighborhood safer!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

LMJ Neighborhood Watch

Friday, September 23, 2011

Vandalism Report

Last night, Thursday, 9-22, at 8:40 PM, someone threw one of our solar lanterns into our dining room window.  Our daughter was not injured, however, she was sitting by the window studying.  The shattered glass flew all around her. Her head was right at the impact point.

We saw a vehilcle in the area of Mastwood and Rambling Oak, however, we don't know if they saw someone running from our home or were involved .  They appeared to stop next to our home and then drove off.

If anyone has any information, please let us know.  The Orange County deputy wrote up the report and is having the lantern dusted for fingerprints.  If you or your guests were in the area, and may have seen a truck or something suspicious or odd, please let us know.

I have called Progress Energy and asked them to expedite the street light repair for the light at Mastwood and Rambling Oak.  The light has been out since July. No one seems to be able to fix it.

Our window is boarded up, and we hope to have it repaired asap.

Thank you,
Sharon Crotty

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Narcoossee Road Meeting Thursday Sept 15th, at 6:30 PM Lake Nona HS

Hello Alliance Members,

I thought that notices were sent out – but I’m hearing from some that you didn’t receive anything by mail and only some people received emails – so here’s the scoop on this meeting, and sorry for short notice.

This meeting will review some of the unfinished policies for the section of Narcoossee Rd between Kirby Smith  & Tyson Rd.  In 2007 the County held a series of workshops to try to add low impact professional office to Narcoossee Rd while still preserving the rural settlement on the back portion closest to the lake.   

After the workshops – the outcome did not match the promises to the residents and the policies were never quite finished or did not fulfill the promises.   Since then our communities have battles several large developments that did not fit the original vision – and if we don’t change things now, then it appears that future plans will keep going farther away  from the original intentions.   

So, several key members of the Hart Whippoorwill Community and the President of our Alliance and myself all met with our Dist 4 Commissioner Thompson and Staff this summer to ask for some changes to the policies and completion of other policies so that we can finally quit fighting everything that comes forward as proposed new development.  Our Commissioner agreed to this and Staff is going to work with us to create some new policies to present to the BCC – but first they want to meet with the community for input.  Here are the 6 key things we discussed:

  •  More land needs to be left inside the rural settlement next to the lake.  Discussions of a minimum of 33%, 2 acres, or 300 ft from the lake   - whichever is the largest.
  •  C-1 uses must be restricted to same list of uses approved for Tyson’s Corner.  (Staff knows what is on this list and we have copies)
  •  NO Multi-Family !  (apts, townhomes etc.)
  •  Height should only be 2 stories (maybe 3 in certain cases by the rd) and Mass only 10,000 – 15,000 Sq Ft
  •  Building Architecture – similar to what is proposed for Windermere Rural Settlement  Main Street  (Commissioner knows this) and what was originally promised. 
  • Access Rd – difficult because of the current layout of parcels.   The only thing we could try to request on this is that the connections between parcels should be within the first 300 ft closest to Narcoossee Road so it actually connects the offices – and does not encourage sprawl towards the lake.

I am not able to attend – so I hope that some of you will bring up these concerns and issues.  Please stay focused on these concerns – there is little else we can change in the policies – but this is a  chance to get it back closer to the promises. 

Narcoossee Rd Meeting Thurs Sept 15 at 6:30pm at Lake Nona high school Media Center

Suzanne Arnold
Alliance Communications Chairperson

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Suspicious activity

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch residents,

This happened Wed am in Live Oak phase 4 as reported by a resident:

There was a strange car this morning around 5:15 am down in section one. I turned around and asked the guy if he was ok and he told me he had run out of gas but he was still driving his car.

It was an old grey car and the back rear window had plastic over it and the driver’s side rear wheel was one of those small tires when you get a flat.

The plate number was L72-5FS.

He was a young driver and he drove off once I kept asking him questions.

The block captain did call to report this vehicle to the nonemergency police # and they will check it out....

Please keep in mind, when you see a vehicle, please report it to the nonemrg. # 
at       407.836.4357.        407.836.HELP 

This neighbor did a great job asking questions and got a tag too!  Hopefully this scared him off. 

Suzanne Arnold

LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hello LMJ Neighbors,

Wanted you all to know about something wonderful happening in our LMJ community.

There is a new “Homes for our Troops” being built right in our neighborhood! (Roberts Island) Army SPC Luis Puertas was left a double amputee after an explosion in Baghdad Sept 20, 2006 – and now this September he and his wife will receive a new home that is built to accommodate his special needs.  I hope you will help in whatever way you can to WELCOME Luis & his wife to our wonderful community.  

Here is a link to a video interview:

Perhaps this is a special way for us all to remember the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and do something positive for those that fight for our freedom.

If you are a roofer, contractor, or construction laborer that would like to donate time – please contact Nathan Cross at (407) 931-0600,

Other items needed: lots of bottled water & Gatorade, and coolers with ice.  Bring these items on Fri night or Sat morning to the location on Roberts Island Rd.

If you have large tents (10x20 or 20x40) that could be used for the day – please contact Russ Gambill at   321-917-6409   so they don't have to rent these tents.   

There will be a lot going on to build a home in 3 days – and we don’t want to pack the area with people that are not involved in the project – so please avoid dropping by just to watch once the building begins.  There is an opening ceremony that you can attend at 8:30 am on Friday Sept 16th

Hope to see you there!
Suzanne Arnold

Build Brigade for 
SPC Luis Puertas
in Orlando, FL!


September 16th, 17th & 18th!Opening Ceremony is September 16th at 8:30am!

12841 Robert’s Island Rd.
Orlando, FL 32832

We are building a specially adapted home from the foundation to a weather tight shell in 3 days!  
Jessica Peck, Community Outreach Coordinator

Schedule of events:
Friday day 1- Set walls, interior frame, soffit install, windows, sheet roof
Saturday day 2- Roofing, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, security, porches, siding, drywall, insulation, and inspection
Sunday- Siding, drywall, taping
To help - Contact General Contractor Nathan Cross at (407) 931-0600
,, for more information.

Homes for Our Troops

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch residents,
Thought some of you might want to sign up for this.  Seating is limited – so call right away if you want to attend.

Suzanne Arnold

Hello, I would to invite your community to an Identity Theft Seminar on Wednesday, September 14, 2011. The seminar will be held at our new substation from 8:30 am to 12 Noon, at 11000 Lake Underhill Road. Sheriff Demings will be presiding over the event. 
We have limited sitting so please call: 407-254-7389

 The Orange County Sheriff's Office
Is hosting half day Identity Theft Seminar

September 14, 2011
Sector II Conference Room
11000 Lake Underhill Road
Orlando, Fl  32825
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
(Join us at 8:00 a.m. for coffee and donuts)
Seating is limited
The first 50 attendees will be eligible for door prizes
Reservations required
Please contact Helen Johnston of the Orange County Sheriff's Office Senior Programs unit at 407-254-7389 or by email at 

Monday, August 1, 2011

You're Invited, Tuesday, August 2nd...

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Residents,

You are INVITED to our
“National Night Out” Safety Program on Tuesday Aug 2nd at 6:30pm
at the Isle of Pines Community Park.

Across the country since 1984, the first Tuesday in August is the Annual “National Night Out” for Neighborhood Watch communities across the country.   Our Neighborhood Watch group started out over 3 years ago as simply email alerts for wildfires and a few small crimes, so we thought it would be appropriate for Orange County Fire Rescue to launch their new “READY, SET, GO!” wildfire preparation program in our community as part of our “Night Out” program!

The meeting will start at 6:30pm and we will discuss results of our camera committee meeting and any other updates related to crime in our community.  Then at 7pm we will begin the 30 minute wildfire presentation and handouts.  At 7:30 we will have some extra time for questions and the meeting will end no later than 8pm.   Our park has a covered pavilion with picnic tables, and we have a playground – so you can bring the kids, but please ask them not to swim since our beach area will not be supervised.  Please bring your own drinks and I will bring some snacks and freezie pops (you are always welcome to bring other desserts or goodies to share!)  We know this time of year there is often rain in the evening.  Since our pavilion is covered – we will still hold our meeting if there is light rain, but if there is a strong storm or lighting – then we will reschedule.  (I will send out a message if the meeting is canceled due to weather.)

What is a wildfire program?
This program gives tips to prepare your home and your family in the event of a wildfire.
The three areas of focus are:
  1. Ready: Making your home more fire resistant by employing easy maintenance and landscaping concepts
  2. Set: Having a plan in place in the event your neighborhood is threatened by fire. 
  3. Go: Understanding the importance of timely and save evacuations.

Hard to think about wildfires with all the rain we’ve had lately – but as you know – the dry weather and fire threat is just ahead – so let’s plan now!  Hope you can join us – and feel free to invite friends from nearby communities that may be surrounded by wooded areas like ours!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Directions to the IOP Community Park at 13694 S. Lake Mary Jane Rd.   Orlando, FL  32832
From Moss Park Rd going past the fire station, take a left on to Lake Mary Jane Rd and drive about 4 more miles (at about 3 miles you will see "Isle of Pines" sign on the right side - keep going.) The park will be on your right just past Flo Rd on your left. I will have a Neighborhood Watch meeting sign out by the park entrance.  If you get to Nell Rd on your right - you just passed it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Residents,

Two things:

I got a call from a friend at Moss Park that let me know that the smoke you are smelling is from a controlled burn in Split Oak Preserve (the southwest portion of Moss Park.)  So far there is no problem with the burn – but you can smell the smoke.

On the weekend of July 16th, someone stole a set of nice tires and rims from a garage on Capri.  The garage door was closed, but the side door may have been unlocked.  Nothing else was stolen – so its suspected that it was someone that they know that had seen the tires. 

There are still quite a few incidents of suspicious cars and strange activity out here – so PLEASE continue to take precautions so that you are not the next victim!  LOCK your car doors and don’t leave money, keys, electronics or other valuables in your car, shut your garage doors, don’t leave out valuable items in your yard! 

Keep your eyes open – and if you see something suspicious – call the police! 
Either 911 or non-emergency 407-836-HELP(4357)
Get a photo or a tag #  if you can do this safely!  Don’t take risks!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Monday, July 25, 2011

“National Night Out” coming up!

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Residents,

You are INVITED to our “National Night Out” Safety Program 
on Tuesday Aug 2, at 6:30pm at the Isle of Pines Community Park.

Across the country since 1984, the first Tuesday in August is the Annual “National Night Out” for Neighborhood Watch communities across the country.   Our Neighborhood Watch group started out over 3 years ago as simply email alerts for wildfires and a few small crimes, so we thought it would be appropriate for Orange County Fire Rescue to launch their new “READY, SET, GO!” wildfire preparation program in our community as part of our “Night Out” program!

The meeting will start at 6:30pm and we will discuss results of our camera committee meeting and any other updates related to crime in our community.  Then at 7pm we will begin the 30 minute wildfire presentation and handouts.  At 7:30 we will have some extra time for questions and the meeting will end no later than 8pm.   Our park has a covered pavilion with picnic tables, and we have a playground – so you can bring the kids, but please ask them not to swim since our beach area will not be supervised.  

Please bring your own drinks and I will bring some snacks and freezie pops (you are always welcome to bring other desserts or goodies to share!)  We know this time of year there is often rain in the evening.  Since our pavilion is covered – we will still hold our meeting if there is light rain, but if there is a strong storm or lighting – then we will reschedule.  (I will send out a message if the meeting is canceled due to weather.)

What is a wildfire program?

This program gives tips to prepare your home and your family in the event of a wildfire.
The three areas of focus are:

Ready: Making your home more fire resistive by employing easy maintenance and landscaping concepts
Set: Having a plan in place in the event your neighborhood is threatened by fire. 
Go: Understanding the importance of timely and save evacuations.

Hard to think about wildfires with all the rain we’ve had lately – but as you know – the dry weather and fire threat is just ahead – so let’s plan now!  Hope you can join us – and feel free to invite friends from nearby communities that may be surrounded by wooded areas like ours!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Directions to the IOP Community Park
13694 S. Lake Mary Jane Rd.   Orlando, FL  32832

From Moss Park Rd going past the fire station, take a left on to Lake Mary Jane Rd and drive about 4 more miles (at about 3 miles you will see "Isle of Pines" sign on the right side - keep going.) 

The park will be on your right just past Flo Rd on your left. I will have a Neighborhood Watch meeting sign out by the park entrance.  If you get to Nell Rd on your right - you just passed it.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Camera Committee Meeting July 14th - All are invited!

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Members,

Reminder: We will hold our first meeting of the LMJ Neighborhood Watch Camera Committee on Thursday July 14 at 6:30pm in our Isle of Pines Neighborhood Park.  

Any of our members are welcome and encouraged to participate!  We already have several people that work for security companies that may be able to give us guidance – and we will also have someone from the Sheriff’s Office as well. 

We will discuss the following:
Purpose of cameras
Location of cameras – and rank locations
Types of cameras & cost
Monitoring results
Funding of camera purchases and installations

If you work for a security company or would like to briefly present information at the meeting about cameras,  please reply to this message so I can include you on the agenda. 

Hope to see you there!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hello, LMJ Neighborhood Watch Members,

Yes – another car burglary.  I just got this info Tues night and wanted you to be aware!  I’m trying to verify the details – and I think the car was left unlocked – not broken in to.  We continue to have reports of strange vehicles driving around neighborhoods late night or other suspicious behavior – but we need tags #s to check on.  Please let me know if there are any other incidents from late Sunday night or early Monday morning.
Keep your eyes out!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Sometime early Sunday morning (possibly 2am), a vehicle on Bayonne was broken into. Missing were a stereo, woofer, a backpack containing approx. $300 worth of college text books and possibly other items.  The neighbor who lives next door to the victim found her next door neighbor's driver's license on the street and upon returning it to its owner was told about the incident.  The police were called out, however no finger print or any other identifying evidence was left behind. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

LMJ Neighborhood Watch Camera Committee Meeting

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Members,

We will hold our first meeting of the LMJ Neighborhood Watch Camera Committee on Thursday July 14 at our Isle of Pines Neighborhood Park at 6:30pm. Any of our members are welcome to participate! We already have several people that work for security companies that may be able to give us guidance – and we will also have someone from the Sherriff’s Office as well. All donations going forward will go towards the cameras – so hopefully by mid July we will start to have an idea of what we can spend.

Suspicious Van in Live Oak

In Live Oak there was a suspicious white van late night Wed (12:30 am Thursday.) It was an older model extended panel van (no side windows) possibly a Chevy. Two different neighbors saw it driving slowly around – and it followed a car on Mastwood with a teenage girl in the passenger side. They turned on Rambling Oak and then onto Smokerise and the van followed them and went to the end of the street and turned around. She was out with a young man that walked her to her door – and they believe when the person in the van saw that she was with a man – the van drove off – but turned to drive farther into the neighborhood. No one was able to get a tag # - but please be on the lookout. There is another white van that drives in our neighborhoods late Wed night to deliver the Osceola Gazette, but we confirmed that van is a conversion travel van with windows, and it has stripes running along the sides under the windows.

Suspicious car in Roberts Island

Monday night there was a low riding Silver El Camino with dark tinted windows with a very loud throaty muffler driving by very slowly in Roberts Island. Just another vehicle we need to watch out for.

Please try to get tag numbers – but ONLY if you can do it safely!

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ NW Coordinator

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Strange Cars, Cameras, and Swimming Hole Warnings

Hello LMJ Neighborhood Watch Residents,
3 important items

1 - Safety:  Moss Park has shut down their swimming area this past week due to high bacteria levels in Lake Mary Jane.  The water level is low and very hot in shallow areas. Please consider this risk before swimming in our lake.   If you choose to swim, you may want to use a nose plug and waterproof band aids for cuts.   

2 - CAMERA Committee!
We did it!  Through your generous donations – we have now raised enough money to cover the costs of all the window decals and block captains hats!  THANK YOU!!  I have opened up a bank account for additional funds that we are receiving and we now have $49 with more coming in!   The next things residents asked for is cameras, so we are going to create a camera committee to look into purchasing cameras.  I will be sending out a separate message once we pick out a couple of dates for meetings.

3 - Strange Cars:
Last week we reported on an older model red Volvo that was driving around and around Roberts Island at 3:30 am (the homes near Story’s Ford and the llamas.) We found out that license plate that was on the Volvo actually belongs to a white 2007 Mitsubishi Utility truck from the Kissimmee area.

We also had another suspicious car driving around this week, tag was valid – but from city of Orlando area.  One of our block captains followed them and sent me this info: 

On Monday the 13th around 11am, a Gray infinity w/right brake light out & left drivers side mirror broken out was going up & down on LMJ in the IOP area.  I got in my car to follow, but he speed out of here, slowed down at TM ranch pulled over & turned around, so I turned around & he stopped fast , turned around & headed out.  He was a younger black male, I got his plate # V48 1VQ as I followed him out, he was driving slow at 1st ,  then speed up again going over 60mph. I followed him on Moss PK rd, he turned left on to Narcoossee. 

PLEASE USE EXTREME CAUTION if you decide to follow  a suspicious car to get a tag and description.  DO NOT TRY TO STOP THESE CARS and PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH strangers in the dark – especially by yourself!!  It’s not worth your life! 

We now have 41 amazing block captains and we are looking for one more on LMJ Rd as you are heading into the IOP.  If you can help with this area – please let me know.

Remember – get your LMJ decal on the  upper right rear window of your car!  If you still need one – let me know.
Thanks for keeping your eyes open,

Suzanne Arnold
LMJ Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Friday, June 10, 2011

Suspicious Events in Roberts Island

Neighborhood Watch members,

There has definitely been some suspicious things going on by the homes in Robert’s Island (off LMJ Rd near Story’s Ford Rd.)  Their block captain Tracey wrote up the details below that a neighbor just reported.  We are checking with the Sheriff’s dept to look into the tags for us. Let’s hope that the red Prius seen in the middle of the day may have just been someone looking to buy one of the foreclosed homes and checking out the neighborhood.   But the two cars driving around at 3:30 at night were definitely up to no good.    Keep your eyes open and your guard up  – these people are looking for an easy target!

Also from our Capri block captain:  Two weeks ago there was a “glowing” white truck that turned on to Capri coming from LMJ Rd.  . The guy was driving slow and looking at houses not addresses. Someone followed him and stopped him down by Roxanne and asked what he was doing out here was he lost. He said he didn't speak English. So the person says 'Hey man nice truck' & he replies 'Yeah Thanks'. (So much for not speaking English.)   Driver was a Hispanic Male mid-late 20's  in a Ford F-250 'Lightning' stark white (and I mean almost glowing white)  tag# HD1 3BF

We had the tag checked and it’s NOT a valid tag!

I will be sending out a recap from our neighborhood watch meeting.  We are waiting to get a copy of the slideshow for our website.  We had over 100 people attend and the responses I got back were very good.  Block Captains are still sending me updates – so our list is not complete yet.  School is out now – so I should get the list updated over the weekend and will forward this info out to any new members.  In the meantime – talk with your neighbors!

Definitely keep your eyes open!  Summer is here and people are taking vacations.  Please talk with your neighbors and your block captains if you are going out of town!  And definitely keep your eyes open for suspicious cars and suspicious behavior! 

Suzanne Arnold
Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Subject: Roberts Island Information

Wed evening (May 8th) at about 9:30 PM, a resident of Roberts Island Road reported that she saw an older model pickup truck leaving a vacant home.  It was backing out of the driveway.  I spoke to the owner and he had no knowledge of anyone being there.

At 3:30 AM (May 9th) Thurs morning, that same resident reported seeing a Honda Accord or Toyota looking car, dark grey or black circling the neighborhood 4 times.  She went out into the street in her PJ's armed with a flashlight and cell phone to discover another car parked two driveways away.  There was also a man was walking up and down Roberts Island Road.  She confronted him asking him what he was doing walking around the neighborhood at 3:30 AM and he acted belligerent using curse words and asking if it was illegal to be there.  This man was in his late 20's, approximately 6' tall, short moppy or bushy hair wearing shorts and a t-shirt.  This car was a Red Volvo-older model Tag # 711-HYZ?  (we are verifying the tag # because the resident was at work when I called her and didn't have the tag # with her but thought this might be the correct #.)  She reported this incident to the police immediately afterward and is not aware of whether or not they came out to investigate.

I checked my camera recordings this morning and saw the profile of the car that was circling the neighborhood recorded at 3:36 AM and again at 3:43 AM. 

Incidentally, I stopped at the vacant house today Thursday at 12:32 PM and quickly looked into the garage window and front door to see if it looked like someone had been in there and noticed a vehicle with the same profile driving by slowly.  I immediately left to follow it and took photos and got the plate number.  This man was in his mid to late 40's and was driving around in this red Prius, license plate 585-5FA Florida with the driver's window down.